Certified Mail Forms
2 products
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 products
Visit Clicknprintcertified.com to set up an account.
Stop handwriting USPS certified mail forms and save $1.10 in postage on each certified mail form you produce using our USPS-approved certified mail software and forms. Save valuable time by streamlining the process of preparing your certified mail by using the web certified mail system. Track all your certified mail quickly and efficiently in one centralized location. Import an address list and print your certified mail in minutes instead of hours.
Certified mail can be sent non-return receipt, return receipt or electronic return receipt. As such, you can save $1.10 in postage by electing to use electronic return receipt to obtain digital signature for your certified mail.
The web certified mail system is simple to use and can be set up in less than five minutes. Just go to Clicknprintcertified.com to register. You can manage your address book, copy/paste addresses from your word processor and batch print large numbers of certified mail forms in a single print run by importing from a file. Track all your certified mail on one screen and view your digital signatures. The software is completely free and available 24/7.